Towards a world class employee experience -Workplaces that spark innovation & create engagement!

Work is changing and the opportunities we have in front of us are endless and evolving in a rapid pace. Employers have a great opportunity – and responsibility – to create an environment that helps our employees to contribute with their full potential and build a strong connection with the company.

Engagement is the guiding star for our continuous improvement!

Meet Åsa Göthlin, Digital officer & Future Workplace Lead, who is part of the People & Culture Team at Scania with a passion for Digitalization and Employee Experience, always with the individual in focus. In her role Åsa is working with creating conditions for new ways of working in terms of flexibility, co-creation, engagement and attractiveness.
Anton Wieselblad, Innovation manager, is driving cross company innovation processes with passion for entrepreneurship and development of both new business models and strong teams.