Olesja is an Innovation and Experience Designer in Metaverse Continuum Business Group at Accenture working at the intersection of Design, Technology and Strategy. She concepts and designs user experiences with end-users in mind advocating for human-centred and value-driven design. Over the past 4+ years Olesja has been working in a wide range of projects with various emerging technologies: AI, VR, chatbots, cloud, mobile applications, for clients in numerous industries: oil & gas, banking, government and public services, media. She leads global ‘Fashion in the Metaverse’ POD at Accenture. In her free time Olesja experiments with virtual reality and fashion, AI generated art. Her project in 2019 was included as an exhibition at the National Museum of Finland and she co-founded Exthereal – large international conference about the Metaverse, Digital Fashion & Immersive Technologies. She holds a position of advisor in Metaverse Fashion Council.